July Sworn Team Member of the Month

Sworn Team Member of the Month

Chase Stallcup
Missouri State Highway Patrol

July Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Scott Robinson
Criminal Justice Information System Program Manager
Missouri State Highway Patrol

Chase Stallcup, a Missouri State Highway Patrol Sergeant in Troop D, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for July 2024, for the restraint he showed in resolving a standoff with a suicidal man who pointed a gun at him and later fired the weapon.

In February, Chase was responding to a vehicle crash scene when he was informed the driver was intoxicated, suicidal and had a firearm. The man had reportedly pointed the gun at a Good Samaritan who had attempted to help him. Upon arrival, Chase entered a wooded area and made contact with the suspect. Taking a defensive position, Chase initiated a dialogue with the suspect, who was extremely volatile and threatened to shoot Chase and himself. The suspect then pointed his gun at Chase, turned around and fired one round.

He then placed the pistol on the trunk of his vehicle and approached Chase with clenched fists. Chase was able to take the suspect into custody solely through verbal commands; he then transported him to a hospital for psychiatric care.

Chase’s extreme calm during a highly dangerous confrontation with a volatile gunman resulted in the preservation of the suspect’s life. Chase bravely used his emotional intelligence and verbal skills instead of force to de-escalate a highly dangerous confrontation with a gunman.

Scott Robinson, the Highway Patrol Criminal Justice Information System Program Manager, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for July 2024 for his leadership, expertise and advance planning to ensure Missouri criminal justice agencies are fully prepared to implement complicated new FBI information system security policies.

Scott, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel, is highly organized and committed to the highest level of customer service to Missouri’s 800 criminal justice agencies and compliance with FBI information system security policy. In the last year, the FBI policy tripled in size and became extremely technical and complicated. For this reason, and because local agencies will have to devote additional resources to implement the new policy, Scott traveled across the state providing classes to explain how the policy has changed and adjustments that must be made to remain in compliance. He made complex, technical language easier to understand and included examples.

Scott also expertly led the CJIS Division in a complex three-day international cybersecurity exercise this spring. In addition, Scott’s abilities have made him an ideal fit as he took on instructor responsibilities in the Patrol’s West Point Leadership Model training program.

He is a natural leader who instills confidence and raises morale. The Patrol is fortunate to have him.

Congratulations to the Team Members of the Month! You have set an outstanding example for your co-workers throughout the Department of Public Safety.


The Missouri Department of Public Safety. Many Missions. One Team.