Department of Public Safety News Release
October 02, 2020
The Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Commission will meet on Monday, Oct. 5, at 1 p.m., for the first time since conducting surveys of both citizens and the public about law enforcement training in Missouri. More than 1,600 respondents took part in a survey of the public on their experiences with Missouri law enforcement and more than 450 law enforcement officers responded to a similar survey.
The meeting agenda includes a discussion of the surveys. The commissioners have previously held three public discussions of the comments received in the surveys and on their review of current training standards. This will be the first regular meeting at which action could be taken by the commission following those discussions.
The meeting agenda also calls for a presentation by Lincoln University on its application for preliminary approval for the university to pursue a license for a law enforcement basic training academy. Missouri currently has 19 licensed basic training academies. Lincoln University, located in Jefferson City, was founded in 1866 as Lincoln Institute by Black Civil War soldiers at the close of the war.
Monday, Oct. 5
WHAT: POST Commission meets following survey and review of law enforcement officer training in Missouri
WHO: Members of Missouri POST Commission
Department of Public Safety Director Sandy Karsten
WHERE: 1101 Riverside Drive (Lewis and Clark State Office Building)
La Charrette Conference Room – First floor, east wing of building
Jefferson City, MO 65101
WHEN: 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5
A livestream of the meeting audio will be available at (650) 479-3207. The Access Code is 133 000 1111.
Established by state statute, the POST Commission is responsible for the curriculum for law enforcement officer basic training and continuing education in Missouri. More information about the commission and Missouri’s Peace Officer Standards and Training Program is available here.
For more information, call 573-751-5432 or e-mail