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Sworn Team Member of the Month

Daniel Norton
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Daniel Norton, a Missouri State Highway Patrol Trooper in Troop C, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for December 2024 for his quick thinking and immediate action to rescue a family as their house in Jefferson County was burning.
On April 9, 2024, while patrolling U.S. Highway 61/67 in Jefferson County, Daniel noticed smoke rising from a neighborhood near Windsor Elementary School and drove over to investigate. Upon arrival, he observed a large fire next to a single-family residence, which was already causing the siding to melt. Daniel radioed for firefighters to respond and then banged loudly on the door of the home until he woke the three family members inside. He then assisted them out of the home to safety.
Daniel’s attention to his surroundings and prompt action not only allowed all three family members to escape the fire without injury, it minimized damage to the exterior of their home.
Daniel’s actions demonstrate the Patrol’s mission is not limited to Missouri’s highways but includes assisting people wherever the Patrol can help.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Justen Meyer
Senior Auto/Marine Technician
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Justen Meyer, a Senior Auto/Marine Technician with the Missouri State Highway Patrol in Troop C, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for December 2024 for using his automotive expertise to locate key evidence for investigators. His assistance greatly advanced a three-year-old missing person case, which led to an arrest for homicide.
In April of 2024, the Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control was asked to assist with a 2021 missing person investigation in Jefferson County. It was determined the victim was shot while riding in a Toyota Camry, which was seized as evidence and processed at Troop C headquarters. Justen volunteered his expertise to investigators to help recover evidence. He removed the cover of the passenger seat, exposing the cushions, where key evidence was found. He then spent over two and a half hours methodically removing the vehicle’s entire dashboard, which exposed the passenger airbag, allowing an intact bullet to be recovered. If Justen had not volunteered to assist, investigators would have spent much more time attempting to locate the key evidence. Justen is another fine example of Patrol team members going above and beyond to serve Missourians.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Chad Hildebrand
Division of Fire Safety
The Division of Fire Safety’s Captain Chad Hildebrand, an Investigation Supervisor, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for November because of his tireless investigative work over more than four years, which led to an arrest and an arson charge in a fire that destroyed a Johnson County church.
In July, 2020, Chad responded to a fire at Harmony Baptist Church near Leeton, Mo. He quickly determined the fire had been set. Surveillance video showed a white vehicle and a single male suspect. Over several months, Chad put in long hours as he followed countless leads and conducted many interviews, resulting in the identification of a suspect that Chad had previously arrested in other arson cases in the area. However, he was unable to file charges because of lack of cooperation from a witness. Chad never let the case go, and on July 4, 2024, a video appeal and news release called attention to the case and the fact the statute of limitation would expire in one year. Chad reinterviewed the key witness, who this time agreed to cooperate and supplied essential evidence.
Chad’s hard work, tenacity and professionalism led to the arrest and charges being filed against a convicted arsonist, who remained a threat to the community. The charge is a mere accusation and not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of the charge must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Katherine Erisman
Administrative Assistant
Missouri Veterans Commission
Katherine Erisman, an Administrative Assistant at the Missouri Veterans Home in Warrensburg, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for November 2024 for her professionalism, organizational skills and willingness to take on additional responsibilities, which she performs with élan.
Katherine joined the home in October 2019 as a part-time receptionist and within nine months had been promoted four times. Her organizational proficiency, attitude and ability to adapt quickly powered her advancement. During the Covid pandemic she began using multiple channels to keep families informed and assumed responsibilities supporting home leadership because of her ability to adapt to changing conditions and accurately decipher complicated information.
Recently, Katherine has taken on purchasing responsibilities. She is a model team member, willing to do anything to support fellow staff members with the objective of providing the best care possible for the home’s veterans and their families.
Sworn Team Members of the Month

Jayson R. Spain

Joshua J. Schuenemeyer

Dylon M. Wyatt
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Corporal Jayson Spain and Troopers Dylon Wyatt and Joshua Schuenemeyer, of Missouri State Highway Patrol Troop E, are the DPS Sworn Team Members of the Month for October 2024. These three Patrol members demonstrated compassion and commitment to protecting the public by investigating the welfare of a child during a traffic stop.
Recently, Dylon conducted a vehicle stop in Cape Girardeau for a registration violation. While speaking with the driver, he observed that a 15-year-old back-seat passenger was restrained at the ankles and wrists. The girl’s mother said the child was nonverbal and the restraints were to keep her from running away. Jayson and Joshua responded when Dylon requested backup. Dylon also requested that the Department of Social Services’ Children’s Division respond to the scene and contacted the Patrol’s Division of Drug and Crime Control. Jayson made calls and confirmed the relationship between the mother and child.
Dylon gained consent to search the vehicle and Joshua established a rapport with the girl and calmed her. As their concerns grew, the Patrol members requested that the two responding Children’s Division workers conduct a home visit. The Patrol members accompanied the Children’s Division on the home visit and found illegal drugs and extremely unhealthy conditions. The mother was taken into custody for possession of a controlled substance and the Children’s Division placed the child with family members.
Beginning with Dylon, the three Patrol members elevated what could have ended as a simple traffic stop into a thorough investigation of the wellbeing of a special needs child. They did not simply report the situation to the Children’s Division, but insisted on a response to the scene, which resulted in a home visit. Dylon, Jayson and Joshua demonstrated the Patrol’s core values of compassion and professionalism, which resulted in a safer living environment for a vulnerable child.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Christina Russell
Procurement Specialist
Missouri Veterans Commission
Chistina Russell, a Procurement Specialist at Missouri Veterans Commission headquarters, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for October 2024 because of her skill and effectiveness in managing procurement issues and reviewing contracts, which have resulted in cost savings and greater efficiencies.
Recently, Christina’s review of billing from a vendor revealed thousands of dollars in charges for which MVC was exempt. Similarly, her review of contracts related to veterans cemeteries discovered areas for cost savings. Her involvement in modifying repair purchase request procedures strengthened accountability and streamlined a process that could take months to one that can sometimes be accomplished within just days. She has also recently taken on training responsibilities and visits each veterans home to train team members on how to best evaluate bids received from vendors through the procurement process.
The results of Christina’s organizational skills, detail-oriented approach and commitment to veterans is better-run veterans homes and cemeteries, cost savings and, ultimately, better services for veterans and their families.
Sworn Team Members of the Month

Mark D. Counts
Commercial Vehicle Officer Supervisor

Patrick W. Pattersons
Commercial Vehicle Officer

Roberto Rodriguez-Penaflor
Missouri State Highway Patrol
The Missouri State Highway Patrol’s Mark Counts, Patrick Patterson and Roberto Rodriguez-Penaflor are the DPS Sworn Team Members of the Month for September for their swift actions and collaboration, which saved the life of a truck driver experiencing an extreme medical emergency.
On Feb. 14, 2024, Troop E received a call from the Charleston Department of Public Safety about a possible motor vehicle crash on Interstate 57, in which the reporting party spoke only Spanish. Within two minutes, a Patrol radio operator provided the contact information for Trooper “Robbi” Rodriguez-Penaflor, who is fluent in Spanish. Acting as an interpreter, Robbi learned the co-driver of a commercial vehicle was unconscious and having difficulty breathing. He obtained the vehicle description, company name and location – a parking lot across the interstate from the Patrol’s Charleston weigh station.
Upon learning of the emergency, Commercial Vehicle Officer Supervisor Mark Counts grabbed the station’s automated external defibrillator, and he and Commercial Vehicle Officer Patrick Patterson ran across the interstate to the scene. The patient was unconscious, his eyes were closed, his skin was pale and he was sweating profusely. Patrick could not find a pulse. The AED advised not to shock but to perform CPR. Because of the patient’s size and the vehicle height, the officers could not move him to the ground. Patrick and Mark improvised and performed CPR with the patient in the vehicle.
A Mississippi County EMS crew arrived during the officers’ fourth CPR cycle. The patient was placed on a gurney and transported to a Cape Girardeau hospital. Despite experiencing multiple ventricular fibrillation events in the ambulance, the EMS crew was able to stabilize the patient’s heart rate enroute to the hospital and he was released after being treated at the hospital. The EMS crew reported the patient would not have survived the emergency if not for the fast action and teamwork of Mark, Patrick and Robbi, who had remained on the phone and assisted with communications throughout the event.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Gene Reec
Senior Safety Inspector
Division of Fire Safety
Gene Reece, a Senior Safety Inspector in the Missouri Division of Fire Safety Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Program, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for September 2024 for the excellence of his work, his superior customer service and for training four new inspectors in less than a year.
Because of staffing issues, from 2019 until June 2024, Gene stepped up and oversaw the field training of six new Boiler and Pressure Vessel inspectors. Gene shared with them his vast knowledge and willingly traveled across much of the state to provide hands-on instruction. The new team members also witnessed Gene’s and absolute commitment to safety. They gained invaluable experience over a relatively short period and are performing at a high level. A well-trained team is essential because unsafe boilers and pressure vessels can result in catastrophic failure.
Gene’s expertise and mentoring approach also help educate contractors, operators and maintenance staff, enhancing boiler and pressure vessel safety across the state. Throughout his 22 years with the Division of Fire Safety, his professionalism, institutional knowledge and dedication have made him an irreplaceable asset to the division.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Mark Grist
Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
Mark Grist, a Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control Agent in the District 1 – Kansas City Office, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for August 2024, for his professionalism, dedication and the enthusiasm with which he approaches any assignment.
Mark, who joined ATC in May 2022, is regularly complimented by supervisors, fellow team members and liquor license holders for his work ethic, approachability for assistance with any task and commitment to doing things correctly. He came to ATC with a wealth of law enforcement experience after spending eight years as a police officer with the Blue Springs Police Department.
Mark recently represented ATC at a recruiting event, where he demonstrated his knowledge of the division and enthusiasm for his job, leading an attendee to apply for an agent position.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Margaret George
Recreation Director
Missouri Veterans Commission
Margaret George, Recreation Director at the Missouri Veterans Commission’s Cape Girardeau Veterans Home, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for August 2024. Margaret was selected because of the incredible selflessness, flexibility and commitment she demonstrates on a daily basis in her vitally important role at the Cape Girardeau home.
The Cape Girardeau Veterans Home has almost 140 veterans. Margaret knows each one personally and understands their personalities; she tracks what each likes to do and any special needs they might have. She builds her schedule around the veterans and the many activities that she arranges for them. This means voluntarily working extra hours for evening excursions and missed lunch breaks. Margaret does it all with grace because she is dedicated to enhancing the life of each veteran.
Recently, when there was a vacancy on the recreation team, Margaret took on extra responsibilities in the home’s special care unit. She did so without complaint and with the same commitment to improving the lives of veterans that she always shows. Margaret is a role model for all MVC team members because of her willingness to go above and beyond for Missouri’s veterans!
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Chase Stallcup
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Chase Stallcup, a Missouri State Highway Patrol Sergeant in Troop D, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for July 2024, for the restraint he showed in resolving a standoff with a suicidal man who pointed a gun at him and later fired the weapon.
In February, Chase was responding to a vehicle crash scene when he was informed the driver was intoxicated, suicidal and had a firearm. The man had reportedly pointed the gun at a Good Samaritan who had attempted to help him. Upon arrival, Chase entered a wooded area and made contact with the suspect. Taking a defensive position, Chase initiated a dialogue with the suspect, who was extremely volatile and threatened to shoot Chase and himself. The suspect then pointed his gun at Chase, turned around and fired one round.
He then placed the pistol on the trunk of his vehicle and approached Chase with clenched fists. Chase was able to take the suspect into custody solely through verbal commands; he then transported him to a hospital for psychiatric care.
Chase’s extreme calm during a highly dangerous confrontation with a volatile gunman resulted in the preservation of the suspect’s life. Chase bravely used his emotional intelligence and verbal skills instead of force to de-escalate a highly dangerous confrontation with a gunman.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Scott Robinson
Criminal Justice Information System Program Manager
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Scott Robinson, the Highway Patrol Criminal Justice Information System Program Manager, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for July 2024 for his leadership, expertise and advance planning to ensure Missouri criminal justice agencies are fully prepared to implement complicated new FBI information system security policies.
Scott, a retired Marine lieutenant colonel, is highly organized and committed to the highest level of customer service to Missouri’s 800 criminal justice agencies and compliance with FBI information system security policy. In the last year, the FBI policy tripled in size and became extremely technical and complicated. For this reason, and because local agencies will have to devote additional resources to implement the new policy, Scott traveled across the state providing classes to explain how the policy has changed and adjustments that must be made to remain in compliance. He made complex, technical language easier to understand and included examples.
Scott also expertly led the CJIS Division in a complex three-day international cybersecurity exercise this spring. In addition, Scott’s abilities have made him an ideal fit as he took on instructor responsibilities in the Patrol’s West Point Leadership Model training program.
He is a natural leader who instills confidence and raises morale. The Patrol is fortunate to have him.
Sworn Team Members of the Month

Ryan S. Smith

Emilio J. Villanueva

Aaron Booker

Christopher R. Kottwitz

Matthew W. Neely
Missouri State Highway Patrol
On Feb. 14, 2024, 47 Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers from Troop A and Troop H assisted the Kansas City Police Department at the Chiefs’ Super Bowl parade and rally. Sergeant Ryan Smith, Corporal Emilio Villanueva, and troopers Aaron Booker, Christopher Kottwitz and Matthew Neely all responded immediately after shots rang out at the rally and their actions helped save lives, protected the public and assisted in the apprehension of a suspected shooter.
- Ryan Smith located a medical bag and assisted in treating a man who had been shot multiple times;
- Emilio Villanueva used the small medical kit he wears on his ankle to control a shooting victim’s bleeding and plugged a wound with his finger until he was relieved by medical personnel;
- Aaron Booker assisted both Sergeant Smith and Corporal Villanueva in tending to men who had been shot;
- Christopher Kottwitz spotted and chased one of the shooting suspects on foot, based on a witness description, leading to the man being taken into custody; and
- Matthew Neely searched for suspects, located a discarded gun, and, as he conducted interviews, captured body-camera video that was used to positively identify a suspect, who was later apprehended.
During a dangerous and chaotic emergency, these five troopers immediately ran toward danger and calmly and professionally took actions that protected lives, gathered important evidence and led to the apprehension of criminal suspects. The above allegations are mere accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of the allegations must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Shannon Dunworth
Senior Licensed Practical Nurse
Missouri Veterans Commission
Shannon Dunworth, a Senior Licensed Practical Nurse at the Missouri Veterans Home Warrensburg, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for June 2024 for the outstanding work she has done on behalf of veterans and other team members for almost 19 years.
Shannon began working at the home as a nursing assistant in December 2005. From the outset, Shannon demonstrated her commitment to the health and wellbeing of the home’s veterans through her hard work, willingness to help coworkers and compassion toward others in need. Shannon not only went on to earn her LPN degree, she also mentors other members of the nursing staff.
During a recent shift, Shannon was working in one unit when she was called to help in another unit. In a stressful environment, Shannon supported others throughout the home and her infectious upbeat demeanor raised everyone’s spirits. Shannon is the ultimate professional and team player and sets an outstanding example for everyone in the home.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Phillip G. Sarakas
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Phillip Sarakas, a Missouri State Highway Patrol Sergeant assigned to Commercial Vehicle Enforcement, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for May 2024 for his excellent handling of a critical incident – the pursuit and apprehension of four suspects in a bank robbery that occured in Iowa.
On Nov. 16, 2023, while working in Wayne County, Phillip heard radio traffic concerning a vehicle southbound on U.S. Highway 67 associated with the Iowa bank robbery and whose driver was suspected in a drive-by shooting. He closely monitored southbound traffic and soon recognized a vehicle matching the broadcast description. After verifying the vehicle and registration with Troop E Radio, he followed the vehicle while waiting for other officers to respond before making a traffic stop. When enough officers were in place, Phillip activated his emergency equipment and made a traffic stop. The driver and front seat passenger were taken into custody, but the two other men fled in the vehicle, leading to a lengthy vehicle pursuit that ended in Piedmont, Mo., when the vehicle crashed into a utility pole. The men were taken into custody after a foot pursuit. A large amount of stolen cash was recovered and there were no injuries, in part because of the organized response begun by Phillip.
From the start of this potentially highly dangerous event, Phillip exercised caution and good judgment – waiting until he had adequate backup and until after the pursuit had passed the area of an elementary school before initiating the traffic stop. He also provided up to date, accurate information to Troop E Radio, which allowed other officers to get into position to respond.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Cassondra Stevens
Veterans Service Officer
Missouri Veterans Commission
Cassondra Stevens, a Veterans Service Officer at the Missouri Veterans Home in St. James, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for May 2024 for her tremendous dedication and commitment to assisting veterans, particularly in a recent benefit appeal to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Cassondra assisted a veteran who was extremely distressed after being notified by the VA that he owed more than $173,000 because over overpayments by the VA pension program. Cassondra spent many hours on the case and found that the veteran had extremely high medical expenses that had not been reimbursed. She filed 15 separate unreimbursed medical expense forms with the VA on behalf of the veteran, one for each year the VA said he had received excessive pension payments. The VA agreed to wipe out the $173,000 it had said the veteran owed, and while his VA pension was reduced going forward, the VA approved a new disability compensation claim which significantly increased the veteran’s benefits.
Cassondra also showed her dedication to veterans at the Honoring Our Heroes Marathon from Salem to Rolla in November 2023. Not only did she participate in the 5K portion of the race, she staffed a veterans information and resources booth before and after the race, assisting more than 50 veterans.
Cassondra consistently goes the extra mile to serve Missouri veterans!
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Doug Buie
Special Agent
Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
Doug Buie, a Special Agent with the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, is the DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for April 2024 for the fine quality of his work, willingness to share his knowledge with fellow ATC agents and for taking on additional duties when necessary.
Doug serves as ATC Evidence Manager and as Alcohol and Safety Prevention Coordinator. Well versed in both Missouri’s alcohol and tobacco statutes and regulations, Doug willingly assists fellow agents on everything from investigations to difficult license applications.
Doug is passionate about his work and manages to balance his time between regulatory enforcement and other agency objectives, such as education and outreach to local licensing staff and law enforcement officers. He also serves as an instructor on liquor law at the Missouri State Highway Patrol Law Enforcement Academy. Recently, when ATC District 2, which has responsibility for central and northeast Missouri, was short-handed because of supervisor and agent openings, Doug took on additional duties and then helped the new team members transition into their roles.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Sheila Zook
Support Care Assistant
Missouri Veterans Commission
Sheila Zook, a Support Care Assistant at the Missouri Veterans Home in Mt. Vernon, is the DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month for April 2024. Sheila was selected for the compassionate care she provides to veterans as well as her excellent work ethic.
Going above and beyond is routine for Sheila. She not only performs her assigned duties by caring for the veterans in the Mt. Vernon home wing to which she is assigned, she continues to check in on the veterans in the wing where she once worked.
Sheila, who graduated from the Certified Nursing Assistant training program in the Mt. Vernon home, now helps orient new CNA students. Her dedication and friendly demeanor make everyone – veteran or fellow team member – feel right at home and make Sheila an invaluable part of the Mt. Vernon home.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Christopher Leach
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Chris E. Leach, a Corporal in Troop E of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, is the March 2024 DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month for his swift action to save the life of a motorist.
On the morning of Oct. 17, 2023, Chris was on patrol on Route B in Butler County when he noticed a pickup truck stopped on the shoulder of the road. Chris activated his emergency lights, approached the vehicle, and found the 82-year-old driver slumped over the steering wheel. He was not able to move his right arm or leg and was drooling. Chris put the vehicle into park because the driver was not able to. He then requested an ambulance and contacted the driver’s wife to explain what had occurred. Butler County EMS transported the driver to Poplar Bluff Regional Medical Center.
The medical center later advised that because Chris had acted quickly, medical personnel had been able to administer lifesaving treatment and increase the chances of recovery. Four days later, the driver came to Troop E headquarters and reported to Chris’ supervisor that he had pulled his vehicle over when he began experiencing stroke-like symptoms with the hope that a trooper would find him. He said, “Corporal Leach is a credit to your organization and the reason I’m alive.”
Non-Sworn Team Members of the Month

Brad Coffey
Section Chief

James Parks
Section Chief

Chris Wilde
Technical Support Manager
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Quick, reliable emergency communications make a tremendous difference no matter the emergency. Yet, when 911 calls were transferred to the Patrol from local agencies, the Patrol was not receiving the basic 911 data, including location and Caller ID, from each call. This forced Patrol communication officers to question callers for the same information already provided to the local Public Safety Answering Point.
In Fiscal Year 2023, the Patrol received funding to allow it to become a secondary PSAP and receive the call location, Caller ID and all the information already provided to 911. But the communications system had to be designed, built and successfully implemented. Section Chief James Parks took the primary role of project manager; Section Chief Brad Coffey had the lead in getting the necessary equipment set up and integrated into the existing systems in place in the troops; and Technical Support Manager Chris Wilde took the lead in integrating the existing phone system into the new 911 call-handling system.
James, Brad and Chris each had separate pieces of this complex project but they worked seamlessly together. The project was also a success because of how smoothly they worked with each of their teams and the input and expertise they sought out from everyone involved in each facet of the communications system, from telecommunication officers to call-handling vendors.
The system now in place eliminates the need for callers to repeat information, expedites responses and means better outcomes when people call 911.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Thomas L. Hall
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Thomas L. Hall, a Sergeant in Troop D of the Missouri State Highway Patrol, is the February 2024 DPS Sworn Team Member of the Month.
On Sept. 18, 2023, Thomas was working stationary traffic enforcement on I-44 in Greene County, when he observed a rented box truck traveling well over the speed limit. After stopping the vehicle, the driver claimed that he was moving his personal belongings from Arizona to Michigan. Further investigation revealed the driver had made the same trip just days earlier. The driver’s statements became contradictory and suspicious.
The driver consented to a search of the truck, during which Thomas found a total of 1,668 pounds of processed hydroponic marijuana in vacuum-sealed bundles. It is believed to be one of the largest roadside seizures of hydroponic marijuana in Missouri, with a potential street value of $5 million. Information gathered by the Patrol linked the shipment to illegal marijuana growing operations in at least two states. I-44 is a major thoroughfare for the shipment of illegal drugs. Thomas’s stalwart attention to his duty prevented almost one ton of illegal drugs from being distributed.
The allegations are mere accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of any charges would have to be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Henry Neurohr
Senior Safety Inspector
Division of Fire Safety
Henry Neurohr, a Senior Safety Inspector in the Division of Fire Safety, is the February 2024 DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month.
Henry was selected for his professionalism, reliability and commitment to the safety of the public, which is demonstrated regularly through his work with local partners to ensure the safety of boilers and pressure vessels.
Henry, who is assigned to the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Unit, was contacted by a local fire marshal about a boiler leaking in a building, which appeared to be a potential hazard. Henry responded the next business day and found the boiler to be in severe disrepair and in danger of catastrophic failure. Henry took the boiler out of service and made recommendations for a certified mechanic to complete work necessary to make the boiler safe. Henry’s prompt actions prevented a potential disaster, protecting those in and around the building.
The local fire marshal reported that this was just one of several instances in which Henry quickly responded and used his vast experience and expertise to avert a serious potential problem.
Sworn Team Member of the Month

Dustin B. Reed
Missouri State Highway Patrol
Corporal Dustin B. Reed, a member of the Missouri State Highway Patrol Division of Drug and Crime Control's Digital Forensics Investigative Unit, is the January 2024 DPS Sworn Team Members of the Month for his dedication and tenacity in solving a child exploitation case.
In June 2023, Dustin received a request from a local law enforcement agency for assistance identifying a suspect in a child exploitation case. Indiana State Police officers conducting a separate investigation had found a text conversation between their suspect and a person with a phone with a Missouri area code. Dustin’s investigation was stymied numerous times: the phone was a burner phone that could not be tracked and there were multiple email accounts that turned out to be fictitious. However, Dustin did not relent. Eventually, a suspect was tracked down and a search of his cellphone uncovered child pornography files. Dustin continued to investigate and obtained a search warrant for the suspect’s residence, which led to the discovery of thousands of files of child pornography on electronic devices.
The suspect was indicted on federal charges. The charges are mere accusations and not evidence of guilt. Evidence in support of the charges must be presented before a court of competent jurisdiction whose duty is to determine guilt or innocence.
Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month

Brian Weishahn
Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control
Brian Weishahn, Auditor at the Missouri Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control, is the January 2024 DPS Non-Sworn Team Member of the Month. Brian was selected because of his strong work ethic, efficiency and the impeccable quality of his work.
When Brian began working at ATC in September 2022, he had to quickly learn the intricacies of the auditing position and delve into an accumulation of reports from wine direct shippers. He proved to be a quick study with the ability to manage these responsibilities.
Brian had soon processed hundreds of audits and his work resulted in almost 450 violation reports involving out-of-state wine direct shippers. The detail and precision of his work also made the disciplinary process easy when administrative action against licensees was necessary.
Brian’s dedication and work with licensees, particularly related to out-of-state wine direct shippers, has resulted in greater compliance among shippers and reduced their future administrative costs. It has also increased state tax collections.