Crime Victims' Compensation

Crime Victims’ Compensation (CVC)
The Crime Victims' Compensation Program provides financial assistance to people who sustained traumatic injuries resulting from certain violent crimes. We know that injuries can be more than just physical. The CVC Program can cover trauma that leads to emotional and mental health issues.Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Program (SAFE)
The Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Program covers the cost of gathering, collecting and preserving evidence during the forensic examination for victims of sexual crimes that occurred in Missouri. While SAFE is the “payor of first resort” for these fees, health insurance carriers may be billed secondary. NO forensic fees may be billed to the patient. However, the SAFE program does not cover any medical treatment that may be required due to the sexual assault.Child Physical Abuse Forensic Examination Program (CPAFE)
The Child Physical Abuse Forensic Examination (CPAFE) Program was established to cover the cost of the professional fee for SAFE-CARE providers who:- perform a forensic examination to collect and preserve evidence on children under 18 years of age who have been a victim of physical abuse in Missouri; or
- provide a case review of previously gathered photographs, medical records, or investigative information provided by a multi-disciplinary team on children under 18 years of age who have been a victim of physical abuse in Missouri.
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