Fight Terrorism License Plate

When you make your $25 donation to the Antiterrorism Fund, you can proudly support the Missouri Office of Homeland Security and our antiterrorism activities with a "FIGHT TERRORISM" license plate.
Your contribution will be used for the prevention, detection and emergency response activities to terrorism that are undertaken by state and local governments.
How Do You Apply for the "Fight Terrorism " License Plate?
- For first time requests for the "Fight Terrorism" license plate, your contribution is made directly to the Missouri Office of Homeland Security:
Fight Terrorism License Plate
c/o J. Jones
Missouri Office of Homeland Security
PO Box 749
Jefferson City, MO 65102-0749
- Checks are payable to either the Missouri Department of Revenue or the Missouri Office of Homeland Security. You will receive a Receipt from the Missouri OHS office for proof of your contribution.
- Checks and Money Orders are necessary for making your initial contribution and receiving the Emblem Use Authorization Statement. We do not at this time accept credit/debit card payment.
- Contact the Missouri Department of Revenue to purchase the "Fight Terrorism" License Plate. You must provide either the Emblem Use Authorization Statement from the Department of Revenue or the Receipt from the Missouri Office of Homeland Security.
- The Missouri Department of Revenue will require a $15 fee for the specialized license plate, along with other documents and fees as required by their office.
- A "Fight Terrorism" plate is a specialty license plate. These plates allow six characters (or five characters and one dash, space or apostrophe) for your personalized message. If you request a disabled plate, there's room for only four characters.
How Do You Get a Two-Year Registration?
- A two year donation of $50 can be made for biennial registrations. The regular $15 fee is paid separately to the Department of Revenue at the time of application.
How Do You Renew Your $25 Annual Contribution?
- If you are renewing the "Fight Terrorism" license plate, your contribution is made directly to the Department of Revenue. You will receive an Emblem Use Authorization Statement for proof of your contribution.
How Do You Reach the Department of Revenue or the Office of Homeland Security?
- Missouri Department of Revenue: Contact your local license office, the Motor Vehicle Licensing website or their main office number at 573-751-4509.
- Missouri Office of Homeland Security: Contact their office at 573-751-0119, by email at