Crime Victims' Rights

What are the Rights of a Crime Victim in Missouri?
Article 1, Section 32 of the Missouri State Constitution guarantees that crime victims have the right to:
- Be present at all criminal justice proceedings at which the defendant has such right
- Be informed and heard at guilty pleas, bail hearings, sentencing's, probation revocation hearings and parole hearings
- Be informed of trials and preliminary hearings
- Restitution
- The speedy disposition and appellate review of cases
- Reasonable protection from the defendant or any person acting on behalf of the defendant
- Information concerning the release, escape, recapture or death of the accused while in custody or confinement
- Information about how the criminal justice system works, the rights and availability of services and information about the crime
The rights of crime victims are further established and defined in the Missouri Revised Statutes, Section 595.209.
Who is Eligible for These Rights?
Section 595.209 of the Missouri Revised Statutes specifies that victims of certain dangerous felonies are automatically afforded these rights. Victims of all other crimes and witnesses of crimes are also guaranteed these rights but they must submit a written request to the appropriate agency (i.e. law enforcement agencies, juvenile authorities, custodial authorities, prosecutors, probation and parole, etc.) to ensure that their rights are afforded to them.
Missouri Sexual Assault Survivors’ Rights
The State of Missouri is committed to protecting survivors of sexual assault. Learn more in the Know Your Rights as a Sexual Assault Survivor developed in coordination with the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Office for Victims of Crime and the Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force.
What Can I Do If I Feel My Rights Have Been Violated?
Complete a Victim Rights Inquiry Request
Inquiries will only be conducted if the victim of a possible violation submits a request.
Fax: (573) 751-5399
Mail an addressed envelope to:
Department of Public SafetyCrime Victim Services Unit
1101 Riverside Drive
Lewis and Clark Building, 4th Floor West
P.O. Box 749
Jefferson City, MO 65102
How Do I Learn More About Crime Victims’ Rights
Upon request, the Crime Victim Services Unit offers presentations on victims’ rights and compliance issues in Missouri. There is no charge for the presentation. To make a request for a speaker or request more information, contact our office at 573-526-1464 or