For the 2025 Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) reporting period, just like the 2024 CLEE reporting period, POST will rely on the online CLEE system to determine peace officer compliance with the training requirements. If you have not already created a MO Login account and connected to the online CLEE system to view your training records, or the training records for your commissioned officers, please contact the POST Program so we can send you an onboarding email and instructions for creating an account.

The CLEE training requirements for the Jan. 1, 2025 to Dec. 31, 2025 reporting period are outlined below:

  • Peace officers licensed prior to Jan. 1, 2025 must obtain 24 hours of Continuing Law Enforcement Education (CLEE) by Dec. 31, 2025, with at least 8 of the 24 hours coming from an "Approved Provider" of training. Of these 24 hours, officers must obtain a minimum of:  
    • 2 hours in Legal Studies;
    • 2 hours in Technical Studies;
    • 2 hours in Interpersonal Perspectives;
    • 2 hours of Skill Development in the area of Firearms;
    • 16 hours of Electives (Any of the above-listed core curricula areas);
    • 1 hour of Racial Profiling training;
    • 1 hour of Implicit Bias training; and
    • 1 hour of De-escalation training.
      • Racial Profiling, Implicit Bias, and De-escalation training are part of the required 24 hours, not in addition to it.
  • Peace officers instructing basic academy training and CLEE training courses can receive 1 hour of CLEE credit for each hour of basic training or CLEE training they instruct.  Training credit for instructors will be entered into the CLEE system by the training provider.
  • Officers who fail to show they are compliant with their 2025 CLEE training requirements by March 15, 2026, may, at the discretion of the Director of Public Safety, have their peace officer license made inactive, which means they cannot hold a commission until they demonstrate they have completed their CLEE training requirements. Extensions will be provided to officers who did not complete their CLEE training because of extended medical leave or military leave of absence. If you require an extension for medical or military leave, you or your commissioning law enforcement agency must contact a representative of POST. As noted above, POST will use the online CLEE system to determine officer compliance for the 2025 CLEE reporting period, which can be accessed by all officers who have created an account and onboarded to the CLEE system. POST will notify officers showing as non-compliant by sending three reminder emails (October, November, and December) before the end of the 2025 CLEE reporting period.  Training reminders can only be sent to officers who have created an account and onboarded to the CLEE system.
  • Peace officers licensed in 2025 will not be required to complete CLEE training until calendar year 2026.
  • Law enforcement agencies that wish to deliver CLEE courses for in-service credit must submit their courses to the POST Program for preapproval. The form to have your in-service CLEE course approved can be found at  Law enforcement agencies are no longer required to submit a detailed course lesson plan or a source document with their application.  They are required only to submit a detailed synopsis or a detailed summary of the course to be delivered, along with the other required documentation, such as the instructor’s record, measurable learning objectives, sample certificate of training completion, etc. Once approved, a law enforcement agency can then offer the in-service CLEE training to officers from any law enforcement agency.
  • Of the 24 hours of annual CLEE training required, 22 of the 24 hours may be completed via approved computer-based training.  The remaining 2 hours of Skill Development – Firearms training must be completed through live, hands-on instruction.
  • The online CLEE system can be accessed at this link:

If you have any questions, please contact a representative of the POST Program at (573) 751-3409 or