Missouri Law Enforcement Use of Force Reporting
In 2024, the Department of Public Safety began reporting Missouri law enforcement Use of Force data digitally on the Missouri State Highway Patrol Show-Me Crime website. This allows users to select the individual jurisdiction(s) of interest (or the entire state of Missouri) and the year, and to easily review all available statistical data. To access the Use of Force data, go to the Show-Me Crime website and, using the “Theme” dropdown, choose “Use of Force.” Then, using the two other dropdowns select the jurisdiction and the year.
To go to the Missouri Show-Me Crime website click here. (Use of force data reporting is delayed three months.)

Missouri’s Police Use of Force Transparency Act of 2021, RSMO 590.1265, requires that beginning March 1, 2022, and at least annually thereafter, each law enforcement agency shall collect and report local data on use of force incidents involving peace officers to the FBI National Use-of-Force Data Collection system. The act also requires each law enforcement agency to report the data to the Department of Public Safety. Law enforcement agencies are not to include personally identifying information of individual peace officers in their reports. The Department of Public Safety will publish the data reported by law enforcement agencies, including statewide aggregate data and agency-specific data, in a publicly available report on the DPS website by March 1, 2023, and at least annually thereafter. The act requires DPS to analyze any trends and disparities in rate of use of force by all law enforcement agencies and release a report to the public no later than June 30, 2025. That report is to be updated at least once every five years.
This webpage was created on March 1, 2023 and will be refreshed at least annually. Questions can be directed to dpsinfo@dps.mo.gov.